
Control access to buildings, factories, workshops, ... and restricted areas

Smart cameras identify objects, people, analyze behavior

License plate recognition, parking lot management

Intrusion warning, crowd detection

Manage operations and schedules of security guards and cleaning staff

Security & Safety
Behavior Analytics
A solution to improve performance and safety culture in production by observing, analyzing workers' behaviors and postures during work

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Detection
A solution to automatically identify and alert on violations of personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements during working

People Counting, Crowd Detection
Detect and count a large number of people in a specific area in real time. Issue an alert if the number of people exceeds the allowed limit

Area Monitoring
A solution to provide monitoring and regulation of workplace environments to ensure safety by managing personnel, vehicles, and equipment within designated zones

Access Control
A solution that supports access control for industrial parks, factories, production areas, warehouses, technical rooms, and employee rooms using facial recognition

Guard & Staff Control
A solution to support task assignment and guard/ staff schedule management in industrial parks/factories

Smart Locker
A solution that supports personal belongings storage at industrial parks, warehouses, production areas, offices using face recognition technology

Parking Lot Detection
Solution to detect empty spots in parking lots. Slot management application, warning when the slot is occupied by a vehicle or goods

Vehicle Detection
Solution to identify and count different types of vehicles, including motorcycles, cars, trucks and containers

Vehicle Plate Recognition
License plate recognition solution for controlling vehicle entry and exit in the production area